Mohsen Assili

Associate Professor Faculty of Electrical Engineering

PhD Power system

University: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Research Interests: Power system Operation and control - planning and electricity market - Disribution system and smart grid
Professional & Scientific Membership: Member of IEEE - IEEE power & Energy society
Awards & Patents:
Biography (About):
Mohsen Assili received the BSc, MSc and PhD all in power engineering from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in 1996, 1999 and 2009, respectively. In 2000, he joined FARAB, the main contractor of large hydroelectric project in Iran. Between 2001 and 2006 he worked as an engineer in the departments of R&D and Technical Planning in Khorasan Regional Electrical Company (KREC). Since 2009, he has joined the department of power engineering in Shahrood University of technology. He became as a manager or consultant on many industrial research projects in KREC, Mashhad Electric Generation Management Company and other companies. His research interests include power system operation and analysis, particularly in dynamics and stability, power system economics and restructuring and generation technologies.

Tel: 982332300240
Ext.Tel: 3206


(Update: 2024-Jun-12)







Courses Taught



All Thesis (47)
Masoud Vafaeinejad (2023), "State Estimation of the Electrical Distribution System in the Presence of Renewable Resources", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Hamid Maddah Dabaghi (2023), " Numerical modeling of the effect of blast loading on slope stability", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
(2022), " Decentralized Multi-Area State Estimation in Power Systems ", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Mostafa Beheshtinia (2021), "Optimal design of a multi-energy system with seasonal storage and demand side management", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
(2021), "Modeling The Effects of Communication Network on Power Grid Reliability Using The Interdependent Markov Chain Approach", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Omid Reza Maarouzi[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
(2021), "Frequency Restoration of Power System baxsed on Emergency Demand Side Management", Ph.D Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Reza Mirzahosseini (2020), "Determination of optional parameters and optimal design of multilxayer axial flux permanent magnet motor", Ph.D Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Ahmad Darabi[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Amir Bashian (2019), "Security-baxsed Observability of Distribution Networks Considering communication constraints ", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors], Omid Reza Maarouzi[Advisor/ Advisors]
Armin Mirsamadi (2019), "Impact Of Human Error On The Optimum Time Interval Of Routine Test Of Protection System", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili, Yaser Damchi[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Mohammad Amin Yazdanparast (2018), " Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in State Estimation of Power Networks", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Fateme Kholardi (2018), "Optimal Operation of Interconnected Energy Hubs Network by Considering Uncertainty", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Saeed Ahmadi (2017), "Optimization of energy and investment costs in urban railway considering energy storage systems and speed profiles ", Ph.D Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Ali Dastfan[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Abdolghayoum Ghaza (2017), "Current balancing of low voltage distribution feeders considering electrical losses", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Khosro Ghaemi (2015), "Transmission Expansion Planning considering large-scale renewable sources in a sample zone", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Soroush Vahedi (2015), "Multi-stage Sub-trasmission Substation Expansion Planning Using Load Clustering Method", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mahdi Banejad[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Moslem Mamizadeh (2014), "Investigation on effects of DG sources on load modeling from the view point of transmission network", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mahdi Banejad[Advisor/ Advisors]
Mohsen Assili (2014), " Technical-economic modeling of incentive policies for using electrical vehicles and their effects on electricity demand", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors], [Advisor/ Advisors]
Zohre Rasuli (2013), "The Course Timextabling", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Jafar Fathali[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Mohama ali lasemi (2013), "Generation management and planning the fuel supplement for power plant in gas shortage crisis", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Rasoul Rabani Zabihi (2013), "Design of coordinated connection of electric vehicles to the distribution system", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Ailar Pouradineh (2013), "Examination Timextabling Problem", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Jafar Fathali[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Mohsen Maleki Dolat Sara (2013), "optimal placement of distribution substation using Heuristic algorithms", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Alireza Alfi[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Asghar Bastami (2013), "Short term Planning of Energy management in Micrograds to participate in Energy market", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Mehdi moazami goudarzi (2013), " Short Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Networks", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mahdi Banejad[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Davoud Abbasi (2012), "Market Power Analysis and Calculation of Nash-Cournot Equilibrium in Thermal Electricity Markets", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors], Morteza Rahimiyan[Advisor/ Advisors]
Meysam Rahmatian (2012), "PSS Design and Allocation Considering the Effect of Exciter System Parameters", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
Hadi Lemaei (2012), "Network Reduction & Power System Dynamic Equivalencing baxsed on Generator Electrical Distance", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mohsen Assili[Supervisor/Supervisors],
omid ghods (2011), " Use of wind power plant in power system considering stochastic security criterion ", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mahdi Banejad[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
saber naghdi ganji (2011), "Modeling and Control of Wind-Turbine Used DFIG under Network Fault Conditions", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Ahmad Darabi[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Aliasghar sedaghati (2011), "Assessment the Methods Of Reduce the Distributed Generation Effect on OCP Schemes in Radial Feeders", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Ahmad Darabi[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
EHSAN JAVAN (2011), "Control and Simulation of a Dobly-Fed Induction Generator under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Ahmad Darabi[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]
Mohsen Owlady (2010), "Optimal placement of distribution substations and feeders considering distributed generation", Msc Thesis, Shahrood University Of Technology, Mahdi Banejad[Supervisor/Supervisors], Mohsen Assili[Advisor/ Advisors]


Journal Papers
Conference Papers