Faculty of Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering

Dean: Farhang Sereshki

The university was established as "The Shahrood College of Mines" in 1973, and elevated to university status in 1994.Finally, thanks to the efforts and pursuit of university president and the staff at the time and the expansion of different programs and the development of post-graduate levels, another great achievement was gained for the university in that the Development Council of the ministry in a session dated 2002/6/9 announced his agreement with the promotion of the university to Shahrood University of technology.
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Email: mine@shahroodut.ac.ir

Mine Exploitation

Ramin Rafiee
Under ground mine (cavability method) , Tunneling
Rank: Assistant Professor

Farhang Sereshki
Mining (expolitation)
Rank: Professor
[Dean of Faculty]

Mohammad Ataei
Mine Extraction
Rank: Associate Professor

Mineral Exploration

Susan Ebrahimi
Economic Geology
Rank: Assistant Professor

Mansour Ziaii
Mining Geochemestry
Rank: Associate Professor

Ali Reza Arab-Amiri
Mining Exploration
Rank: Associate Professor

Ahmad Vaezian

Rank: Assistant Professor |

Exploration Geophysics
Rank: Associate Professor

Behzad Tokhmechi
Mining Exploration
Rank: Assistant Professor

Mohammad Radad
Exploration Seismology
Rank: Assistant Professor

Amin Roshandel Kahoo
Exploration Seismology
Rank: Associate Professor
[Department Head]

Mehrdad Soleimani Monfared
Exploration Seismology
Rank: Associate Professor

Yousef Shiri
Petroleum Engineering
Rank: Assistant Professor

Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani
Exploration Geophysics
Rank: Assistant Professor

Masoumeh Kordi
Petroleum Geology
Rank: Assistant Professor

Ali Nejati Kalateh
Electrocmagnetic, Potential Field
Rank: Associate Professor

Mohammad Jahani Chegeni
Mineral Processing
Rank: Assistant Professor

Asghar Azizi
Mineral Processing
Rank: Associate Professor
[Department Head]

Mohammad Karamoozian
Mineral processing
Rank: Associate professor

Morteza Javadi
Rock Mechanics and Underground Excavation
Rank: Assistant Professor

Ahmad Ramezanzadeh
Rock Mechanics
Rank: Professor

Shokrollah Zare
Tunnelling and Rock mechanics
Rank: Associate Professor

Majid Nikkhah
Rock Mechanics
Rank: Associate Professor

Seyed-Mohammad Esmaeil Jalali
Mining Engineering
Rank: Assistant Professor

Morteza Javadi
Rock Mechanics and Underground Excavation
Rank: Assistant Professor

Ahmad Ramezanzadeh
Rock Mechanics
Rank: Professor

Shokrollah Zare
Tunnelling and Rock mechanics
Rank: Associate Professor

Majid Nikkhah
Rock Mechanics
Rank: Associate Professor


Seyed Rahman Torabi
Mining, Rock Mechanics
Rank: Professor

Reza Ghavami-Riabi
Geochemical Exploration
Rank: Assistant Prof.

Kumars Seifpanahi-Shabani
Mining Environmental Engineering
Rank: Associate Professor

Arezoo Abedi
mineralogy,economic geology
Rank: assistant professor

Ahmad Ramezanzadeh
Rock Mechanics
Rank: Professor

Majid Nikkhah
Rock Mechanics
Rank: Associate Professor

Ramin Rafiee
Under ground mine (cavability method) , Tunneling
Rank: Assistant Professor

Mohammad Ataei
Mine Extraction
Rank: Associate Professor

Rock Mechanics Lab.

You can find our brochure in the Bulletin Board of our website

Mineral Engineering Lab.

Mine Planning Lab.

Petrography Lab

Minerlogy Lab

Optical Mineralogy Lab

Geological Mapping and Photogeology

Geoelectric & IP laboratory

Magnetic Survey Lab.

عکس موجود نيست.

Gravimeter lab

Journal of Mining and Environment is an international peer review journal(ISC indexed) in the field of mining and relevant environmental issues and aims to publish original papers, review articles, technical reports and short communications that are expected to be interesting for mining engineers, scientists, geologists and environmental groups that are not published or not being considered for publication elsewhere. JME appears two times, March and September every year. JME offers: Publication within a short period after acceptance On-line publication in advance of the printed journal One journal copy with 5 offprints will be sent to the corresponding author
Information Google Scholar Scopus
Name Academic Rank Citations h-index i10-index Co-authors Citations h-index Documents Co-authors
Arezoo Abediassistant professor273470
Behzad TokhmechiAssistant Professor 103017711092
Ali Reza Arab-AmiriAssociate Professor32420323
Mohammad KaramoozianAssociate professor0
Mehrdad Soleimani MonfaredAssociate Professor 3
Masoumeh KordiAssistant Professor2
Sajad Negahban0
Ahmad VaezianAssistant Professor | 72320532390
Yousef ShiriAssistant Professor7562679616182
Morteza JavadiAssistant Professor567630487524222
mehdi noroozi220655179514210
Mohammad Jahani ChegeniAssistant Professor2606462
Susan Ebrahimi Assistant Professor1167302537122
Majid NikkhahAssociate Professor226866158625333
Mohammad RadadAssistant Professor187977174815222
Kumars Seifpanahi-ShabaniAssociate Professor29610102262928583
HAMID AGHAJANIAssociate Professor354111312205925353
Ali Nejati KalatehAssociate Professor32911131371414253
Ramin RafieeAssistant Professor43512152292925242
Abolghasem Kamkar RouhaniAssistant Professor1007131807201048762
Shokrollah ZareAssociate Professor793162576241445463
Mansour ZiaiiAssociate Professor907162694981138543
Ahmad RamezanzadehProfessor1377192788591440494
Amin Roshandel KahooAssociate Professor110819304410081858783
Asghar AziziAssociate Professor1233193319111103
Seyed-Mohammad Esmaeil JalaliAssistant Professor15562335399651952652
Farhang Sereshki Professor21542647014462479824
Mohammad AtaeiAssociate Professor953351196175279392281833
Name Academic Rank Citations h-index i10-index Co-authors Citations h-index Documents Co-authors