Faculty of Geosciences

Dean: Afshin Qishlaqi

Tell: 32396007-023
Ext.Tell: 2299 - 2577
Email: Geology@shahroodut.ac.ir

Environmental Geology and Hydr

Somayeh Zarei doudejy

Rank: مربی

Rahim Bagheri
Rank: Associate professor

Hadi Jafari
Rank: Associate Professor

Giti Forghani Tehrani
Environmental geochemistry
Rank: Associate Professor

Afshin Qishlaqi
Environmental Geology
Rank: Assistant Professor
[Dean of Faculty, Department Head]

Applied Geology

Mahdi Jafarzadeh
Provenance and diagenesis of silisiclastic rocks,
Rank: Associate professor

Ramazan Ramazani Oomali
Structural geology& Tectonics
Rank: Associate Professor

Aziziollah Taheri
Paleontology & Stratigraphy
Rank: Professor



Mehdi Rezaei-Kahkhaei
Rank: Assistant Professor

Maryam Sheibi
Igneous Petrology and Magnetic fabric
Rank: Assistant Professor

Mahmoud Sadeghian
Igneous & Metamorphic petrology
Rank: perofessor asistant


Farajollah Ferdoust
Enconomic geology & geochemistry
Rank: Assistant Professor

Habibolah Ghasemi
Rank: Associated Professor

Fardin Mousivand
Economic Geology
Rank: Associate Professor

Parviz Omidi
Structural geology & Pectomics
Rank: Assistant Professor

Hosein Heidarnia
Rank: Lecture

Hosein Mehdizadeh Shahri
Petrology & Geotermal Enregy
Rank: Assosiate Professor


Economic Geology and Fluid Inclusion Lab

Economic Geology and Fluid Inclusion Lab
Information Google Scholar Scopus
Name Academic Rank Citations h-index i10-index Co-authors Citations h-index Documents Co-authors
Fardin MousivandAssociate Professor2611019433
Mahmoud Sadeghianperofessor asistant223814350
Ramazan Ramazani OomaliAssociate Professor3
Farajollah FerdoustAssistant Professor2
Parviz OmidiAssistant Professor2
Aziziollah Taheri Professor4
Maryam SheibiAssistant Professor1507559469192
Mehdi Rezaei-KahkhaeiAssistant Professor286768179616452
Giti Forghani TehraniAssociate Professor622880407819263
Mahdi JafarzadehAssociate professor394101002749191060
Afshin QishlaqiAssistant Professor101111135498916162
Hadi JafariAssociate Professor92414174433373
Rahim BagheriAssociate professor790152206081444730
Habibolah GhasemiAssociated Professor10891526280
Name Academic Rank Citations h-index i10-index Co-authors Citations h-index Documents Co-authors