TN883 : Effect of Grade Ratio of Sulfide-Oxide Minerals in Flotation Process on Separation Function (Case Study of Nasim Bardsan Copper Mine)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2018
Abstarct: The copper element is one of the most important non-ferrous mextal elements that is costly. One of its major sources is sulfide, oxide and sulfide-oxide mixture. Depending on the type of deposit, different processing methods have been proposed. This research is baxsed on the copper mineral field of Nasim which according to mineralogical studies, calcocite and malachite is the most important of its minerals and was carried out using flotation processing method. In this project, the authors sought to find optimal conditions for the sulfide / The oxide is 0.33, 1, 3 with total grade 0.8%. For this urpose, the sulfide&oxide ratio, the strong type of collector (hydroxamate and z6 and thiophosphate collectors), the amount of z11 collector, the sulfidation factors (sodium sulfide and ammonium sulfide) and the amount The pH was determined by the variable parameters, and the total grade, the amount and type of foaming agent, the remaining time, and the rate of stirring were kept constant by the software DX10 Designed Three Taguchi Test Designs (L9). After performing the experiments, for one rupture stage, the optimal conditions were obtained for each grade ratio, and finally by entering the information obtained in the DX10 software with a maximum Quality and recovery and minimization of the grade ratio of sulfide to oxide minerals in the method of historical data. Optimized values for grade ratio and the materials used in flotation were obtained at the copper factory of Nasim and then, they tested the best conditions and values of the collectors for different grades, by comparing these tests and taking into account Economical issues with collectors z6=100 and z11=75 with 2 kg / ton of sodium sulfide were carried out at the copper plant complex, which improved the efficiency of the plant by up to10%.
#Copper mine Nasim #Flotation #Copper oxide and sulfide minerals #Sulfidation #Grade ratio #Taguchi #historical data Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University