TN700 : Investigation on the effect of copper oxide minerals on flotation circuit recovery of the sungun copper complex concentration plant and introducing solutions to increase recovery
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: The input feed of the copper concentration unit of Sungun concentrator plant is composed of a combination of oxide and sulfide copper, as about 5-25% of the total produced copper is composed of the oxide phase. Due to their nature, floatation behavior of oxide copper mineralogy differs from their sulfide phases, as in such conditions recovery of oxide copper is low. The most important goal of this study is to determine the behavior of oxide copper in the flotation circuit of the copper concentration unit 1 in the Sungun copper concentrator plant and provide the solutions for modification of oxide copper mineralogy recovery together with stabilization or recovery of sulfide copper. In the first phase, the effective factors on the recovery of oxide copper in the rougher and scavenger stages of the concentration unit 1 have been investigated. To do this, some samples have been taken from different points of rougher and scavenger circuit, as well as feed, waste and final concentrates. In the second phase, in order to provide solutions for recovery of oxide copper, different parameters including the type and amount of sulfidation factors, type and amount of collector, dispersed, preparation time, pH, stirring rate and Eh have been also studied. The results revealed that the recovery of oxide copper both in rougher and scavenger circuits was low, due to the low efficiency of the collector and foam makers for floatation of oxide copper mineralogy. Two methods including Sulphidisation and application of anionic collectors have been used then for recovery of oxide copper mineralogy. In the slug sulphidisation approach taken in a spiral manner, application of (NH4) 2S as 300g/t in the first step and for the preparation time of 2minutes, pH=11 and stirring rate of 1250RPM, recovery of oxide copper was improved as about 9.46% and reached to 77.12%. In this case, recovery of sulfide copper was also improved significantly. Results of application of anionic collectors showed that among the hydroximates, using 10g/t of Potassium Octylhydroximates, without any negative effect on the recovery of sulfide copper, improved the recovery of oxide copper as 74.47%. Simultaneous application of Z11 and Z6, due to the long carbon chain of Z6 caused that recovery of oxide copper improves as 3.63% and reaches to 71.29%. Application of 400g/t of sodium silicate as a disperser improved the recovery of sulfide copper 3.51% and also modified the value for oxide copper as 2.34%. (NH4)2S, Z6, Potassium octylhydroximates and sodium silicate were also used in different combinations, as the best result was obtained to be for recovery of oxide copper in the presence of 400g/t of (NH4)2S and 10g per ton of Potassium octylhydroximates, as the value of recovery for oxide copper was 77.31%. The highest oxide copper recovery was obtained by using CPS method. In this case oxide copperrecovery 10.34% increased.
#Sungun Copper Complex #Floatation #Copper oxide mineralogy #Sulphidzation #Hydroximate Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University