TN525 : Modeling of refraction seismic and resistivity data and integrated interpretation of the results for accurate recognition of subsurface structures, with a case study
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: Nowadays, in order to increase the precision and accuracy of geophysical exploration result, different methods are used in one project. In this study, three different methods, seismic refraction, geo-electric resistivity and gravimetery were used. The study was used for exploring subsurface structure. These types of projects are frequently used in engineering construction projects.
The aim of this project was to define thickness of laxyers, underground water table depth and identification of soil engineering parameters. Therefor 20 refraction seismic profile for both P and S wave were designed. Two geo-electric profiles with pole – dipole array were gathered, too. More than 255 gravimetery data point were also used for modeling. The study area was located in the Bastam City, 5km from Shahrood. Seismic data were processed by the reduced travletime and tomography methods. Seismic velocity model show that the region is separated into two laxyers of fine size alluvium and medium to coarse clays with coarse alluvium. Depth of the first laxyer is about 0.5 to 4 meters which change laterally from clay to sand and vertically from weathered soil to coarse alluvium. Geoelectrical results also satisfy this interpretation. Gravimetery method shows some possible faults in the region and the geoelectrical profile were designed orthogonal to the possible fault strikes. The geo-electrical result also proved location of the faults. Finally by comparing and merging result of these methods a geological model of the region was derived accompanying soil engineering parameters maps for 1.5 m depth. These results shows 204 m for water table depth, in accordance to drilling result in the region. Soil engineering maps divide the region into two zones. The center, western and northern part with consolidated soil, southern and eastern part with unconsolidated soils.
#refraction seismic #geo-electric resistivity #gravimetery #seismic tomography #soil engineering parameters #Depth – velocity model #P wave #S wave Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University