TJ293 : Manufacturing of yttria stabilized zirconia baxsed ceramic thin films by tape casting method to be used in solid oxide fuel cells
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2014
Abstarct: Limited resources of fossil fuels and the increasing demand of energy would result in an
energy crisis as the greatest worldwide problem in the near future. Using non-pollutant
hydrogen fuel within a fuel cell is one of the most effective methods for energy
generation. Electrolyte is an important part of a fuel cell which is mostly produced by
tape casting method. Decreasing the thickness of electrolyte (i.e. increasing
conductivity) is one of the most effective methods to increase efficiency and decrease
the production cost of fuel cells. The raw material which is often used in manufacturing
of electrolytes is yttria stabilized zirconia. It is shown from the previous researches that
3YSZ/8YSZ composites have high ionic conductivity and mechanical strength
simultaneously. In this thesis, thin laxyers of zirconia baxsed solid electrolytes are
produced by tape casting technique and process parameters were optimized. In the
second step, Adding yttria to thin laxyers of 3YSZ was performed by means of net shape
forming. Consequently, the mechanical properties such as hardness, elastic modulus,
and fracture toughness were investigated by Micro-Vickers and Nano-Indentation
methods. Micro Structure considerations were done by XRD and SEM tests. Electritical
Conductivity was evaluated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Net shape
formed sample had hardness of 13.34GPa, contact stiffness of 157.3µN/nm, Young's
modulus of 258GPa, fracture toughness of 8.05MPa√m using Glandus equation and
8.41MPa√m using Blendell equation. Furthermore, Study of mechanical properties of
zirconia baxsed electrolytes is one of unique aspects of this research.
#Solid oxide Fuel cell #Ceramic thin laxyers #Tape Casting #Net Shape Forming Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University