TJ213 : Design the optimum trajectory baxsed on time-energy minimization for a tensegrity robot
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Tensegrity systems which are widely used in nature, have fascinating advantages. Lately tensegrity systems have got researchers of robotics and mechanism science and few samples of tensegrity systems have been introduced. Researches done on this field are few and complicated. On this thesis new space tensegrity mechanism has been suggested, by studying the structure of tensegrity mechanism introduced during the last decade. Suggested model is a flexible or compliant tensegrity mechanism with six freedom dimensions – 3 translational degrees of freedom and 3 rotational degrees of freedom – designed baxsed on Stewarts parallel robot. Three mechanical arm from Stewart’s model have been replaced with three springy actuator and the other three have the translator pistons mechanism which they are lixnked to each other series with three linear springs. This model use spring actuator. This actuators contain a spring and cable part, lixnked series to each other. Cable’s length is changeable and is collected by a pulley. His type of actuators can be a good replacement for arms with prismatic joints and reduce the mechanism inertia at the same time. But the most important factor to remember would be the elasticity feature of this actuators. This mechanism is strong while it’s light and has a greater resistance to mass in comparison to other systems.
In the presented thesis cytostatic problem analyses and statics balance are studied and reverse direct statics would be approved by numerical examples. Suggested mechanism dynamic equations were found by virtual work theory and the motion mechanism would be simulated by three examples. The results from simulation shows the applicability of the designed mechanism. Because the analyses are holistic, they can be used as samples for similar mechanism analyses. Finally, designing the optimal method and reducing the time and energy consumption and also mechanism design will be studied.
#Tensegrity mechanism #statical balance #cytostatistical analyses #virtual work #trajectory method. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University