TJ121 : Linear and Nonlinear Vibration of MEMS Resonators with Thermoelastic Damping
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mechanical Engineering > PhD > 2012
In this thesis, we modeled the MEMS resonator as microbeam, annular microplate and rectangular microplate. In chapter two, we derive electrostatic equation and conduction equation that should be coupled with motion equation. In chapter three, we present two cases of models: Euler- Bernoulli and Euler-Bernoulli considering stretching effect. In the second one which is used in large deformations, we calculated the static deflection due to electrostatic load then we linearized the equation of motion around the deflection. The results show the nonlinear behavior of thermoelastic damping. In the end of this chapter the thermoelastic damping is obtained by DQ method. In the chapter four, we present an annular microplate model. The equation of motion is derived by using Kirchhoff–Love theory. The obtained frequency equation is solved by two approaches: with linearization and without linearization. The quality factor of thermoelastic damping is calculated by considering clamped-clamped, clamped-simply supported and clamed-free boundary conditions. In the results, the critical radius is shown. In the chapter five, we present the rectangular microplate model. For driving the equations of motion, we used the von-Karman and Kirchhoff theories. In the large deformation model, the static deflection is calculated and then we linearized the equation of motion around the deflection. The thermoelastic damping is illustrated against the dimensionless parameters.