TA520 : Analytical investigation behavior of masonry infill with considering inplane-out of plane interaction
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: In our country, most of the common concrete constructions have a concrete frxame system with brick masonry in the middle and surrounding areas of buildings. Considering the interaction between frxame and infill frxame masonry in analyzing and designing is one of the major challenges in structural engineering research. Observations of past earthquake damage indicate that damage to the inplane and a decrease in the contact surface of the infill-frxame masonry and the surrounding frxame results in increased vulnerability out of plane. Predicting the Interaction and Influence of inplane Behavior on out of plane Behavior is one of the new issues in evaluating seismic behavior of masonry infill-frxame, which can have positive and negative effects on structural performance. The studies in this research are divided into two parts: In the first part, the seismic performance inplane the reinforced concrete frxames of infill-frxame masonry is examined with seismic and non-seismic details at different load-bearing surfaces and different thicknesses of the building materials interfaces, the results show that the ultimate strength , the effective stiffness and ductility of the seismic frxame and infill-frxame are similar to those of the seismic frxame and non-seismic frxame. Increasing the infill masonry thickness of increases the ultimate strength and effective stiffness of the frxames with seismic and non-seismic properties. Due to considerations and the presence of openings in the msonry infill, the behavior of the reinforced concrete frxame with infill (window and door) is investigated. The results show that the infill reduces the ultimate strength and effective stiffness of the structure and The larger the size of the opening or the distance from the center of the masonry interstate, the greater the loss of ultimate strength and the greater the effective stiffness reduction. In the second part, we investigate the interaction of performance inplane and out of plane the infill by analyzing three types of loading, including: 1- Out of plane loading under different acceleration. 2- Out of plane loading After loading inplane at relative displacements of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3% and comparing with out of plane loading capacity, any relative displacement and damage within the infill is greater than the stiffness and strength capacity of the of plane is reduced. 3- Inplane loading up to 6% relative displacement after out of plane and checking inplane damage that occurred at (1) acceleration of the Earth's gravity, significant strength and stiffness were observed in order to apply the results of this research to the engineering community in analysis. The design of the infill provided the coefficients of reduction in stiffness and strength by considering the inplane and out of palne interaction for the infill-frxame and the open partition. Using the proposed coefficients, the design engineer can apply in-plane and out-of-plane interactive effects modeling to the full-bodied interfaces using a compression wrench. baxsed on the analyzes performed, the average reduction in effective stiffness was calculated to be 30% with respect to the interaction inplane and out of plane. It should be noted that in this study different conditions of contact between the frxame and the infill-frxame were investigated due to the different conditions of contact between the infill and the concrete frxame. In all analyzes, analytical models were first validated using laboratory results in ABAQUS finite element software, and then the effect of different parameters considered in this study was investigated.
#Infill Masonry #Inplane-Out of Plane Interaction #Out of Plane Loading #Finite Element Analysis Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University