TA320 : Numerical Modelling of NATM Tunneling Method Design of Hakim Highway Tunnels
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: The need to design and build tunnels in order to urban transport is pervasive. One of these tunnels is twin tunnel that Interactions between two tunnel for different distances, is one of the challenges facing designers. Hakim highway Twin tunnel in Tehran excavated by the NATM method. In this paper, three dimensional numerical model is done by Plaxis 3D Tunnel software for shallow tunnels. Four model have been analyzed which the distance between two tunnels are 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 times the diameter (width) of tunnels. In the model, all stages of the executive and the excavation is considered, so three dimensional effects are visible in the results. History of displacements and stresses in different parts has been investigated. The results show the movement of the tunnel floor is not affected by the distance between two tunnels. By increasing the distance between the tunnels of 1.5 times the diameter (width) of the tunnel, excavation in second tunnel had no effect on the movement crown of first tunnel. Also excavation in second tunnel, causing added stress on the midpoint of the central pillar that even at a distance of 2 times the diameter (width) of the tunnel occurred increasing stress.
#twin tunnel NATM Interaction Plaxis 3D Tunnel. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University