TA319 : 3D Modeling of Inclined Micropiles Under Seismic Loading
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: Micropiles are small-diameter piles, which can be installed in access-restrictive environments and almost in all soil types and ground conditions. Analysis of foundations damage induced by the Kobe earthquake showed that steel piles with small diameter presented a better resistance to seismic loads as compared with large diameter reinforced concrete piles. Micropiles can be installed at any angle below the horizontal using the same type of equipment used for the installation of ground anchors and for grouting projects. 3D model of the soil, micropile and superstructer system is developed by using a finite element method commercial software Abaqus 6.14-2. This paper uses a real earthquake record for analysis of micropile group behavior. Soil behavior has been presented by Mohr-Columb criterion. Material damping of soils is represented by Rayleigh damping. In the dynamic analysis, the soil lateral boundaries defined by free field boundary and by assigning viscous dampers in the vertical and horizontal directions. The superstructure is modeled as a one-degree-offreedom system composed of column and concentrated mass. The effect of various arrangements of inclined micropile group is investigated. In the first case micropiles are inclined in one direction and in the second one in two directions. The results show that under a two-directional earthquake, the shear forces and moments of the micropiles of second case are significantly smaller than shear forces and moments of the first case and vertical micropiles group. Also under the dynamic and static loads, bearing capacity of the soil is larger and the settlement of the soil of second case are smaller than other groups of micropiles. The effects of various parameters on the behavior of the vertical and inclined micropile groups are investigated. These parameters include: inclination angle of micropiles, mass of superstructure and acceleration of earthquake. Results of parametric study demonstrated that as inclination increases, the maximum of shear force, bending moment and horizontal displacement at the head of micropile decrease significantly and bearing capacity of the soil increases. However, in order to improve the performance of micropiles groups it's recommended to preserve inclination angle in the range of 20-25 degrees because in larger inclination angles, increase of the vertical displacements (at the meeting point of micropile and cap) and also the settlement of the soil have been observed.
#Micropile group #Inclined micropiles #Elastoplastic #Dynamics analysis #Finite element #Abaqus Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University