TA315 : The evalution of settlement due of liquefaction for shallow foundation with numerical approach
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: One of the most hazardous phenomenon due earthquake is liquefaction phenomenon. Liquefy of soil during earthquake cause loosing of soil strength and stiffness and its more common in saturated sand soils. When a laxyer of saturated sandy soil is under the dynamic load, tend to contraction and decreasing the volume, if there is no way for seepage under earthquake, pore water pressure will gradually increase, if the amount of excess pore water pressure will be equal with total pressure, the liquefaction phenomenon dose accur. In fact, in this case the effective stress become zero and sandy soil in these zones dose not have shear strength and sandy soils behave like a liquefy material. Liquefaction phenomenon at soils and specially in sandy soils cause a vast damage like settlement and tilting on structures and foundations which made on soil laxyer with liquefaction prone, the goal of this thesis is a numerical simulation of settlement due liquefaction on shallow foundation on the granular saturated sandy soil with numerical approach with OpenSEES® software that in this software the effect of density of liquefalible soils and width of shallow foundation in settlement assessment with numerical method. Always a liquefalible soil laxyer which conceal under soils is a threat for structures and foundations and specially for shallow foundations witch build on these soils. If there is liquefalible soil laxyer which continues to soil surface, usually is doing some actions like densification or soil replacement for becoming soil resister, but when a low density of soil laxyer conceal under a high density deposit, most of times it will be ignore and the hazard of this soil laxyer is not going to involve on structures design. In this model a saturated soil laxyer with Dr=40% is between two high density saturated sandy soil laxyer with Dr=75%, after that ,for evalution of the effect of density on shallow settlement, the amount of density for liquefalible soil laxyer gradually incease and the results will be assessments.
#Liquefction #Settlement #Sand #Density #Shallow Foundation #Width Foundation Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University