TA300 : A wavelet–baxsed solution of the seepage equation
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: Seepage is a flow of water from a higher energy point to a lower energy point. Seepage is of great importance in estimation of groundwater flows under different hydraulic conditions, flow in underground water reservoirs during superstructure construction, analysis of earth dams stability and retaining structures under seepage loads and consolidation of clay soils. Till now different methods have been proposed for solving the seepage equation which is known as Laplace equation such as analytical methods, numerical methods, electrical simulation method and etc. in these methods, permeability coefficients of soil are considered constant and therefore the results are not precise. So a proper method should be used to consider variability of permeability coefficients. In recent years, a new method is developed for solving partial differential equations called wavelet analysis which is a new and great achievement in pure mathematics and several decades research backgrounds in harmonic analysis method. This method has important applications in engineering and science fields such as compression and reconstruction of images and waves, medical and military applications and solving equations. In this thesis, seepage equation is solved using Haar wavelet and the results are compared with numerical method which is Finite Difference method. Results show that the proposed method has acceptable and precise accuracy with respect to typical method and have minimum errors.
#Differential Equations #Seepage Equation #Numerical Solution #Haar Wavelet Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University