TA17 : Investigation in Shear behavior, and ductility of concrete reinforced beams, which are constructed by SCC high strength concrete and involved with propylene fibers
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2008
Abstarct: In respect of building and civil sciences, self-compacting concrete is a modern technology thorough out the world. This kind of concrete has an ideal workability which can flow in condensed items of structures without separating from other particles.
Recently, on the other side, taking the advantages of high strength concrete is increasing in building industry. This phenomenon is probably occurred because of the following reason. The design of concrete section using high strength concrete is led to smaller section and then the dead load decreases; the design leads buildings to larger opening and higher height. In addition, less mass is effective for enforcing designs against the earthquake, in financial respect. These advantages are usually better than additional cost for making high strength concrete.
High strength concrete is a kind of brittle material and when the tension of the concrete reaches to the maximum value of stress-strain, it suddenly breaks. The characteristic of concrete in its general form and especially in high strength concrete can be improved by enough jacketing and adding fibers.
Although adding fibers has some effect on self-compacting concrete's manner, by adding optimum fiber and Transversal rebar we can control the cracking, deflection, redistributing of stress in a good harmony and eventually, better forming of concrete (consequently, we can constrain the abrupt destroying) and more sheer stresses in initial steps of cracking and increasing of rupture resistance.
In spite of obvious and useful role of fibers the usage of fiber in concrete is not regular because of lack age of adequate and correct relation and equation for design structural element. We need theoretical and experimental research for setting and making relations in code.
In this research, after lots of experimental studding, regarding to the incremental of amount of propylene fiber there was not any obvious change in . But this addition leads to improvement of ductility and ultimate shear resistant of beams.
#SCC #high strength concrete #fiber #shear strength Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University