TA118 : Behavior of Deck and Pile Quays constructed on inclined seabed
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Civil & Architectural Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: The ports are considered important in the aspects of economy, military and politics. This puts wharfs in a position of great significance which are essential for a country. Among Berthing structures Deck and Pile Quays have become a common alternative in different parts of the world. They have been constructed in Iran in a great number because of accessibility of facilities and availability of knowledge and technology.
Due to poor function of wharfs in the recent earthquakes around the world such as Luma prieta, Costa Rica, North ridge, kube,… and because our country is prone to earthquake, research about these structures and studying their behavior using the modern engineering, have been proven necessary.
In this study, we compared the behavior of a pile-supported wharf constructed on inclined seabed with piles having different lengths, with a wharf structure constructed on horizontal bed with pile having the same length.
In the most articles written about pile-supported wharfs, the wharfs have the same length, but behavior of the piles in inclined soils have not been studied properly. Whereas piles are constructed on inclined surfaces parallel to the coast.
We used SAP2000 software for modeling the Shif wharf in Booshehr and Pushover analysis. then we modeled the wharf in Oakland port with soil-pile interaction in the FEM program Abaqus.
Also we used stiff soil and soft soil for seabed in all models.
#Deck and Pile Quay #Inclined seabed #Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction #Pushover Analysis #Performance baxsed Design Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University