S334 : Effect of mycorrhiza and Rhizobium Inoculation on yield and yield components of lentil cultivars in Dryland Condition
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: According to the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and the problems caused by the use of bio-fertilizers to provide nutrients for plants and also in terms of economic, environmental and social benefits. So this can be a good alternative to chemical fertilizers. Different species of mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium bacteria are microorganisms useful for the development of organic and sustainable agriculture. In order to study the effect of mycorrhiza and rhizobium inoculation on yield and yield components in three varieties of lentils in dryland farming, an experiment was carried out during 2016 in field conditions as a spilit plot factorial on the basis of compeletly randomized block design with12 treatments and 3 replications at private farm In Kalpoosh in the northeastern County of Miami. The main plot was lentil varieties (V) at three levels: v1 (bilesavar), v2 (kimia), v3 (kalpush) respectively. Mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus mosseae) at two levels (Inoculated and non-inoculated) and two levels of Rhizobium bacteria (Rhizobium. leguminosarum bv. Viciae) (Inoculated and non-inoculated) were considered as subplots factors.The results showed that Lentil seed inoculation with Rhizobium on attributes such as: Plant height, total dry weight, harvest index, dry nodule weight, protein content, prolin leaves and leaf area index had additive effect Compared to the control sample., but significantly reduced total chlorophyll and chlorophyll b. Rhizobium effects on other traits was not significant. Inoculated mycorrhizal fungi traits such as plant height, leaf dry weight, number of pods per plant, seed weight, total dry weight, harvest index, biological yield, seed yield, percentage of mycorrhizal symbiosis, total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and leaf area index increases. But fresh weight and dry weight of the root node and leaf prolin content significantly reduced. Inoculation of mycorrhiza on grain protein and root nodules was not significant. Inoculation Effect dual mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium on plant height, biological yield, number of nodes and its dry weight, chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids, prolin content of leaves and leaf area index positive and was significant but on the other measured traits was not significant. Between lentil varieties of leaf dry weight, number of pods per plant, seed weight, nodule fresh weight and dry weight, chlorophyll b, prolin leaves, leaf area index were significant differences existed but no significant differences in other traits. The interaction of mycorrhiza and lentil varieties showed significant differences in total dry weight, number of pods per plant, harvest index, number of nodes, the nodes fresh and dry weight, percentage of mycorrhizal symbiosis, chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments, protein and leaf area index compared to the control. As well as the interactions between bacteria and lentils varieties on number of pods per plant, harvest index, number of nodes, the nodes fresh and dry weight, total chlorophyll, chlorophyll b and carotenoid, prolin and leaf area index showed a significant difference compared to control. Overall results showed that the cultivars Bilesuar variety higher than alchemy and native genotypes is superior in terms of yield and yield components. Mycorrhiza treatment combination and lentil varieties in many agronomic traits and physiological showed a significant increase. As well as increased drought tolerance in plants. Thus, these compounds treatments recommended for dryland farming.
#lentils #mycorrhizal symbiosis #rhizobia #nitrogen fixation #chlorophyll #prolin Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University