S312 : Investigation of morphology changes of Zohreh river using CCHE2D model
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Agricultural Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: In general, factors of erosion and sedimentation which lead to morphologic variations appear in the alluvial rivers. In fact, the science of the morphology of alluvial rivers can be defined as the study of shape and surface structure of the earth influenced by water flow. One of the most important factors related to the morphology of rivers is erosion and sedimentation, especially river bank erosion in the outer bank which is caused by secondary flows. In this study, the morphology variations of the Zohreh River with length of 23 km which located in the Hendijan plain between latitude of 49°30´E- 49°38´E and 30°6´N- 30°2´N is investigated. The 30-year data of Dehmola hydrometric station which located on the Zohreh River was used. The maximum, average, and maximum discharge of this hydrometric station are 145, 90, and 5.6 m3/s, respectively. The scrutiny of the morphology variations of the Zohreh River was implemented in two parts.
In the first part, hydraulic simulation of the Zohreh River for discharge less than 150 m3/s and also for flood discharge were done and the results analyzed. Regarding this point that, for about 80 percent of a year, the Zohreh River has discharge less than 150 m3/s, results indicate that in most times sedimentation occurs in the Zohreh River, and only in the discharge rates higher than 200 m3/s erosion happens which is the cause of long-term morphology variation of the Zohreh River. In the second part, baxsed on the satellite images for three time periods of "old course", "2000 Am", and "2014 AM", the morphology variation of the Zohreh River is studied. So, the satellite images are processed and analyzed with GIS model, and important indexes of morphology variations such as curvature index, central angle, arc length and etc are calculated. The results indicate that in the past, 4 times cutoff occurred in this river, and in the future one more is going to happen. The number of meanders through this three time periods reduced from 35 to 21. Meanders also have been experiencing changes. The average of curvature index changes from 1.64 to 1.58. This value for curvature radius, changes from 450.1 to 632.3. For central angle the average value varies from 196.2 to 193.3. The average of arc length changes from 1197 m to 1154.6 m. According to the classification of Velfort baxsed on the curvature index, and the classification of Kornis baxsed on the central angle, the Zohreh River in the Hendijan plain is categorized as meanderer to sever meander rivers. Finally, in order to prevention of more erosion, designing a groyne as a river structure is suggested. The results show considerable effect in controlling the erosion.
#Erosion #CCHE2D mathematical model #Groin #Morphology #Satellite images #Sedimentation #Simulation #Zohreh river Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University