QE322 : Assessment of Acid Mine Drainage generation in mine wastes and Tailings of lead and zinc Kuushk mine, Yazd province
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2016
Babak Gharari [Author], Giti Forghani Tehrani[Supervisor], Faramarz Doulati Ardejani[Supervisor], Afshin Qishlaqi[Advisor]
Abstarct: Bafg mining area is one of the most mextallogenic areas in Iran; includes the most important iron deposits of Iran with phosphate, uranium, lead and zinc sulfide deposits such as Kushk, Zarigan, Chahmyr and so on. Kushk deposits include Kushk, Zardo,Pahno, Kille and Chah Gaz. Assessment and prediction of acid mine drainage, are the most important features to predict and prevent environmental pollution caused by mining activities in the surrounding mine environment. The source of acid mine or rock drainage includes oxidation of sulfur minerals and other materials containing sulfur such as sulfides, primary and secondary sulfates, thiosulfate salts, elemental sulfur and organic sulfur which are known as the total sulfur. Potentially, toxic elements have no contribution in the formation of acid drainage but the acid drainage can be a cause of such pollutants transportation to soils and aquatic ecosystems. According to climatic and geographical lead and zinc mine conditions, in the warm and dry months the drainage produced is dry due to extremely high evaporation and low rainfall and secondary minerals are deposited, in the cold months because of the extreme cold environment, the activity of acid-producing bacteria become limited and any drainage in the area are frozen. For the calculation of the total sulfur content used X-ray fluorescence (calculated total sulfur) and X-ray diffraction (calculated total sulfur of minerals) methods were used. Two samples of SH and G have been the highest acid factors (minerals and elements) than neutralizing factors in all parameters measured in static (paste pH, Standard Acid baxse Accounting, Modify Acid baxse Accounting, B.C.Research Initial, Net Acid Production and Acid Neutralization Capacity tests), mineralogical and physic-chemical tests; Representing the production and the potential for acid mine drainage. In sample T, neutralizing factors are more than acid factors for this reason some parameters in static tests located in unknown zone. Key words:
#acid mine drainage #acid rock drainage #total sulfur #sulfide and sulfate minerals Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University