QE314 : Reservoir Fracture Analysis Using Image Log in One of the Hydrocarbon Fields in South of Iran
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: This oil field is located at the strait of hormuz.This oil field is a joint fiel with the oman. This oilfields structure is a large anticline with North-South trend, with an approximately of 24 km length and 12 km width. Fracture have been indentified in the reservoirs Of The Wells no.1,2,3&4, Using FMI Logs. Subsurface Structure Maps, Three Dimensional Models And Linear Logs Helped Us In AnalysingThe Fractures. Geolog Software Have Been Used For The Extracting Images And Identify The Fractures. For Structural Analysis Dips And Georient Software Have Been Used. The Data Of The Latitude And Alatitud, Extracted From The Subsurface Structural Maps Have Been Used For Three Dimensioal Modeling. High centration of fractures at the hing zones show that the fractures were generated during the folding priods. In well no.4, 450 fractures in three major categories. N40E,24N N51W,50SW and N49W,45NE ,in well no 1, 299 fracture in two major categories N3E,22NWN27W,63NE, in well no.3, 58 fracture in two major categories N46W,18SW N62W, 52NE, in well no.2, 270 fractures in foure categories N42W/66SW N49W/24SW N37W/21NE N41W/58NE have been indentified. The study of the wells no.1 showed 3 possible faults with positions of N75E,77SE, N42W,59SW, N46W,57SW. In this study by identifying the shear and extensional fractures, local stress field is also investigated, so according to them the stress direction is NE-SE.By using the Hengam anticline subsurface maps, at the first isocline and bending maps was drawn in order to find slope and bend distribution of the field.And finally a three-dimensional model was made and in this model field structure and the highest bend and highest slope were detected.
#Field #Fracture #Image log #Anticline #Stress #FMI Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University