QE202 : Investigation of the impacts of Khoy artificial recharge scheme on the quantity of local aquifers
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Geosciences > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Firoragh groundwater aquifer, located in Khoy in northwestern plains, in recent years due to excessive withdrawals from the aquifer is faced with an extreme decline .In order to solve the problem of falling water levels in the aquifer artificial recharge project in 1377 in 12 km from the city of Khoy has been constructed.This plan is a pool type that includes seven influential ponds and two precipitation ponds.Water input to the network during the late Aban to early Farvardin from Aland river with a sixteen-kilometer channel is provided.The main flooding of artificial recharge has been started since 1387.This way every year about ten million cubic meters of artificial recharge is transmitted.Surveys conducted regarding the design hydrographs downstream wells indicate that this project has had a significant influence on the increasing of groundwater levels and decreasing the slope of the water table.Thus, the steep decline in some of the Piezometers water table has decreased to about one-fifth. Water inputs to the artificial recharging network have a very better quality than those groundwater aquifers of the area.The average electrical conductivity of the water inlet is about 380 micrormhos/cm, while the average electrical conductivity of the upper aquifer is about 660 micromhos/cm .The results of this study indicate that the values of electrical conductivity and the most ions of the main groundwater aquifers in the study after flooding have significantly reduced.
#artificial recharge #water table level #groundwater quality #Firough aquifer Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University