QC57 : Calculating constituent quarks mass in hadrons
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2010
Liuza Jami Al Ahmadi [Author], Ali Akbar Rajabi[Supervisor]
Abstarct: In This Thesis a method building the baxse potential and calculating cornell potential will be presented. Variational approach helps to achive the quark mass by cornell potential. This a mathematical method to describe motion of a system baxsed on 3 identical body forces. We have obtained on exact solution of the radial schrodinger equation for a 3-body system in three dimensions.The interact potential V in assumed to depend on the hyperradius x only where x is a function of the Jacobi relative coordinates ě and ² which are functions of the three identical particles, relative positions Ï⃗H@, Ï⃗@• and Ï⃗•H. The effect of hyperfine potential is calculated and then the mass of u, s, b and c quarks is achived. The mass of u quark is almost equal to 1/3 of nucleon mass and so this shows that The cornell potential is a factor that cause the stability of quarks in Their position and dose not let the quarks to move.
#Hadron- Quark- Baryon- Hypercentral- Confinement potential- color potential- Variational aapproach Link
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