QC277 : Study of nanostructure solar cells performance under sun radiation and solar simulator
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) cells are comprised of a photoelectrode that is coated by dye molecules and on the other hand an electrode made of Pt and I-/I3- redox electrolyte coated to a conducting substrate via Dr. Blade method. Working principle of these cells that cause very low material and manufacturing costs, are baxsed on electron separation from dye surface due to photon irradiation.
In this thesis, first single and double laxyer DSSCs samples baxsed on TiO2, ZnO and SnO2 photoelectrodes were made. Then, they are characterized and some parameters like short circuit current and open circuit voltage was obtained by using of a solar module analyzer system under the condition of sun irradiation in different days of a year with different climates at in Shahrood city, Iran. it is derived that characterization of the solar cells depends on various parameters namely geographical location, humidity percentage, climate and the time of characterization and it would not be repeatable. Thus, for characterization of solar cells a standard and repeatable state is needed to simulate. In the next step, manufactured samples was exposed to standard AM 1.5 G irradiation by using of a solar simulator and short circuit current, open circuit voltage, fill factor, samples efficiencies and current-voltage (I-V) curve was obtained. In these samples, cell baxsed on TiO2 photoelectrode with high thichness has maximum efficiency approximately 4.59 percent.
#Dye sensitized solar cell #Nanostructures #Solar simulator #Current-Voltage curve Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University