QC144 : Security in device-independent quantum key distribution protocols
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Physics > MSc > 2011
One of the most important problem in quantum information that we faced, is information transfer as in secured. Therefore we introduce the protocol which as in usual Quantum Key Distribution protocols(QKD), the security relies on the lows of quantum physics and another thing is that no-information leakage from the legal parties labs. This scheme is named quantum key distribution protocol which is Device-Independent(DIQKD). The security proof is baxsed on the minimal assumption rather than quantum key distribution schemes, it means that two parties would not only have no knowledge about the structure of their quantum devices but they would also distrust their measuring apparatuses or we don’t assume that Alice and Bob’s devices behave according to predetermined specifications, because the measuring devices may be modified by eavesdropper. We will show that the security of this kind of protocols follows from the combined facts that any Device – Independent protocol comparable to those of standard schemes is more secure, if it is baxsed on the observation of a Bell inequality violation and In addition to this essential requirement, Eve is restricted by collective attack- in collective attack, where Eve is assumed to act independently and identically at each use of the devices. The aim of this protocol that we consider here, is distributing a secret key whose security relies on the laws of quantum physics, then in this scheme we make an assumption on devices which any bits of the raw key satisfy independence condition and don’t influence each other, one could also defines space-like separated events and in consequence we use of this, to generate the secret key rate.