QA56 : Stabilization of 2D Linear Systems Described by The Roesser Model Using The Vector Companion Form
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mathematical Sciences > MSc > 2011
Abstarct: In last two decades, the two-dimensional systems theory has been payed a considerable attention and developed by many researchers. These systems have
found many applications such as in image processing, modeling of physical processing and dramating robots, etc. From time that these systems introduced,
many scientists proposed different models that most popular are Roesser model
(1975), Fornasini(1978), marchesini(1976) and curek(1996). Because of generalization of Roesser model regadr to other models, I choice this model in my
In this thesis we consider two-dimensional linear discrete-time systems that
introduced by Roesser model, study stability of these systems and camputing
optimal time state feedback matrix. The method that we used in this thesis is
making an increased matrix by supposed matrices, then with using priliminary
row application and parallel calumn application, changingto the Echlon standard form then the vector companion form and finally with using of the vector companion form we obtain optimal time state feedback matrix for the twodimensiona system.
#Roesser model #Stabilization #Fractional systems #The echlon standard form #The vector companion form Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University