QA541 : A new generalization of Alpha-Skew Normal Distribution and its Applications
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mathematical Sciences > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: In this thesis, we have studied a new generalization of Alpha-Skew Normal distribution,
which is denoted by GASN (α , λ). in the chapter one, we have introduced the
conceptes required in this thesis and then we illustrated normal and skew normal distributions.
In the chapter two, we have introuced Alpha-Skew Normal distribution and som theorem
about it.
In the chapter tree, GASN (α , λ) distribution have been introduced and we have studied
its properties, moments and maximun likelihood estimation of parameters. finally in
chapter four by using R statistical software some features of previous theoretical problems
will be explored. we show that our new distribution is the best fitted distribution for the
used data among Normal, Skew Normal, Alpha -Skew Normal and Skew Bimodal Normal
#Skewness and kurtosis #Skew Normal distribution #Alpha-Skew Normal distribution #Generalization of Alpha-Skew Normal distribution #Bimodality #Moment generating function #Maximum likelihood estimation Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University