NA21 : Local Passive Defence center- Hamedan Old Bazzar as a Case Design and Study
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Architectural Engineering and Urbanism > MSc > 2015
Erfan Mirzaei [Author], Saeid Khaghani[Supervisor], Saeed Alitajer [Advisor]
Abstarct: Passive defense is a series of measures that take place to deal with natural and man-made threats before happening, to minimize incident losses. Passive defense in the field of architecture is being studied in planning, design and construction, which are the cornerstones of architectural protection and Advice is provided on details, form, volume, site and structural elements. The arrangement of building spaces and their relationship with the surrounding area can provide special facilities to save lives and improve performance and reduce vulnerability. Secure spatial prediction is the architect's responsibility as a multi-functional space for each building during peacetime and warfare. Also, recognizing the necessity of the concept of passive defense and proper understanding of it, requires careful attention to the functional results of passive defense in the building industry. Ensuring human survival, increasing mental security, protecting facilities, ensuring the continued fulfillment of critical needs of people in critical situations, the possibility of continuing critical and sensitive centers and the cost of inactive defense against operational defenses and invasions are all the results of the index of inertial defense. And it raises the question of how can commercial centers be secured using a passive defense approach and relationships and spatial organization? The design has been undertaken with the aim of deepening the concepts of inactive defense and incorporating effective measures in passive defense, baxsed on a quantitative research approach baxsed on theoretical concepts. The non-operational defense approach as a standard is closely lixnked to other standards and principles of urbanization and architecture, and, with its principles, all other criteria are also taken into account. The design of a business center with a nonprofit defense approach brings to the existence of a multi-functional space that is both resistant to threats and the ability to provide service and support to users of their circle of influence.
#Passive Defense #Defense Architecture #Commercial Centers #Multi-functional Complex #Bazzar Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University