TN961 : Seismic structural and stratigraphical interpretation and 3D Modeling of subsurface structures in the Gorgan plain in order to identify traps and their various types
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: In countries with hydrocarbonic resources, since the economy of the country is baxsed on these resources, it is necessary to find new sub-surface sources. Hydrocarbonic resources accumulate in rock reservoir after they produced in source rock, eventually they accumulate in a place called oil-traps, which are economically valuable. Therefore, these sub-surface or originally trapped sites should be identified thorough geophysical and geological explorations. From the prespective of oil systems, The Gorgan Plain isn’t still known and it’s a fresh area in fact; but primary studies have shown that this region has hydrocarbonic potential. Results of gravimetery exploration in the study area shows presence of stratigraphic trap and stated that there is possibly no structural trap in this area. So, by performing structural interpretation on two-dimensional seismic data, we have tried to identify and draw all the structures on the seismic lines, and introduced tectonic regim of the region, and also by studying and initial seismic modeling on existing sections with the help of construction and stratigraphic interpretation, investigated the type of possible traps that exists and the connection with the geology of the region. In this study, by using different seismic attributes, we have identified and interpreted structures such as thrust faults (pressure tectonic regime), gas chimneys, and diapirism.
#Seismic interpretation #stratigraphic traps #structural traps #gas chimney #diaper #Gorgan plain Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University