TN936 : Kinetics investigation of leaching and cementation of Dugan copper mine
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: In this research, the parameters affecting leaching and cementation processes, optimization and kinetic investigation of these processes were studied. Stirring leaching experiments using the experimental design methods, the effect of acid concentration factors, particle size, solid percent, time and stirring rate on copper and iron recovery has been investigated. The kinetics of the recovery rate of the leaching copper of the stirring time was also investigated. Also the influence of parameters such as pH, acid concentration, time, stirring time and kinetic investigation using the experiments design method for copper cementation process was investigated. The results of the roller bottle test showed that the amount of acid consumed by Dugan copper ore at size of 75 and 500 microns were 130 and 104 kg/ton, respectively, with a recovery rate of 95.9% and 86.1%, respectively. The results of the stir leaching experiments showed acid concentration, time, particle size, and solid content, compared to other parameters have more effect on copper recovery. Among the interactions, the acid concentration – particle size interaction had the greatest effect on copper recovery. The results showed that the dissolution rate of iron was very low and in most cases it was 2.7% which does not cause any problems in the industrial process. The recovery rate of the experiments with recovery rate the prediction model was in good agreement. Kinetics test results showed that leaching kinetics was initially fast over time, then the kinetics rate decreased. The results of cementation experiments showed that the three parameters of time, stirring rate and copper concentration had the most effect in the process of copper cementation respectively. The results of cementation kinetics analysis showed that time and stirring speed had the most effect on cementation kinetics, respectively. Among the interactions, time-stirring speed had the greatest effect on cementation kinetics. Finally, the optimum conditions for improving cementation recovery were, 10 minutes time, copper concentration 3 g/L, pH= 1 and stirring speed of 500 RPM. In the optimal conditions, the recovery rate of cementation was about 90%. The results showed a good agreement between obtained and predicted recovery. The interaction between, time and stirring speed had the greatest effect on cementation.
#Stirring Leaching #cementation #kinetics #experimental design #Dugan copper mine Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University