TN928 : Modeling and interpretation of resistivity and induced polarization data for exploration of lead and zinc deposit in Hafthar Aghda area, Yazd Province
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: Geophysical methods are suitable approachs for prospecting and exploring mineral deposits. Resistivity and induced polarization methods are the main methods of the geophysical studies on sulfide deposits. Hafthar area is located about 130 km northwest of the city of Yazd in central Iran. The main mineralization in this area is massive sulfide type and contains lead, zinc and iron within the shale formation of the area. The presence of various lead and zinc mineralization outcrops in the area caused to carry out geological, geophysical and geochemical investigations especially in southern parts of the area. Previous investigations of mineralization in the area have proven an economic potential of lead and zinc deposits in different parts of the area. To recognize these deposits using induced polarization (IP) and resistivity methods, in the prospecting step, an area surface of over 128,000 square meters were investigated by rectangular electrode arrangement to identify promising mineralization zones in the area. Then, to investigate these zones more accurately and determine the size and depth of the probable lead and zinc deposits, IP and resistivity surveys were carried out along 3 lines using dipole-dipole array. Then, the collected data have been processed and modeled using Res2dinv and Zondres2d software packages. The interpretation results and comparison of the obtained interpretation models with the mineralization outcrops in the area indicate that the probable mineralization has occurred in an alteration area having a north-south trend. This mineralization has occurred in the vein form and to lesser amount as porphyry form so that zones with vein mineralization have less resistivity and high chargeability values. Finally, to assess the type and amount of lead and zinc deposits some drilling points have been proposed.
#Induced polarization (IP) #Resistivity #Rectangle array #Dipole-dipole array. Hafthar #Lead and Zinc Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University