TN899 : Impact of Punch penetration test brittleness index on hard rock tunnel boring machine performance- A case study- Kerman tunnel
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: An exact prediction of machine speed in mechanical excavation method can help a contractor to a have better understanding of project costs and plane more proper practical programs for it. In resent decades many studies have been done to improve the quality of boring speed prediction.In this order, study of TBM efficiency dadas and labrotorial investigations have been used widely.Besides, numerical modelings were used to better understanding of interaction between rock mass and cutting tools. In recent years, some equations have been introduced to predict rate of penetration in hard rock condition that Geomechanical parameters such as Punch test index are used in most of them. These test is so similar to cutting tool indentation into rock, Then it can be a good representer of rock properties influencing rock boring. In the present study it has been attempted to take advantage of Kerman water tunnel performance and geomechanical datas in order to first, investigate the effect of Ceomechanical parameters of intact rock (UCS) on TBM performance and second, examin the effect of Punch penetration test Indices on TBM performance. third, some equations are presented to predict rate of penetrarion. Punch tests performed on some specimens which are collected from bored rocks on the tunnel faces. Their numbers were 8 and obtained at least two samples from one specimen after preparation. In general, 15 Punch penetration tests performed. Punch penetration test indices calculated from force- penetration curves and compared with uniaxial compressive strength. Ultimately, Punch test indices compared with performance parameters. Results showed that peak strength index (PSI) and area under curve (BI2) have good correlations with thrust. On the other hand, a new index for rock brittleness has been produced that is obtaining from force- penetration curve. Results showed that new index have good relation with penetration rate (R^2=0.66).
#Tunnel boring machine #Hard rock #Geomechanical parameters #Punch penetration test #brittleness index #penetration rate Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University