TN898 : Experimental Investigation of the Carbonate Rock Initial Permeability in Determining the Optimal Acid Injection Rate
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: Permeability is one of the dynamic parameters of the reservoir in calculating the performance of projects for the uptake of oil and gas reservoirs. Rate production and final recycling rates are heavily influenced by this parameter, but this parameter is low in some carbonate reservoirs and requires an appropriate solution to increase it. In the meantime, acidizing operations are one of the most common methods for increasing oil and gas production and the utilization rate of reservoirs. Hence, in this study, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of injection and confining pressure in a laboratory study of the permeability of reservoir rocks during acid-bed corrosive operations. Considering this approach, 6 samples of carbonate reservoir rock from one of Iran's oil fields have been prepared. After determining the physical and mechanical properties of the samples, the effect of the confining pressure and the injection pressure on Permeability variations and optimal flow rates were studied. Examination of the results of the experiments as well as the CT scans of the samples after acidizing operation showed that permeability increased to an acceptable level in all samples. In lower injection rates, the acid has enough time to react with the rock, wormhole are well-formed, and the rest of the sample space retains its density to a large extent, but with increasing acid injection rates, there are wormhole Changing itself with the complete destruction of the Primary core section, and the remaining density has been reduced. This is accompanied by a combination of the two above-mentioned behaviors, with increasing the rate to a maximum of 15 cc / min. This has led to an increase of over 530 times permeability over the initial value of the sample. However, there is a slight difference between the formation time of the formation of Wormholes in the injected sample with maximum discharge and the sample injected with a minimum of (3.6 cc / min). However, there is a slight difference between the formation time of the formation of Wormhole in the injected sample with maximum rate and the sample injected with a minimum of (3.6 cc / min).
#Acidizing #permeability #CT scans #Wormholes #acid injection rate #confining pressure #carbonate reservoirs Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University