TN877 : Geoinformatics Application for Assessing Groundwater Potential in the Southern Mountain Range of Jalali Sahara of Shahrood
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: Considering the high water harvesting from the Jalali sahara aquifers in Shahrood and water shortages for various uses, Investigating the sources of Karstic water resources in the area as one of the most important sources of water supply is very necessary. The purpose of this research is to identify the potential of groundwater resources, especially in carbonate formations in the southern mountain range of Jalali sahara of Shahrood. In order to carry out the study, the required data such as geomorphology map of Shahrood, topographic digital map and satellite images of Landsat 8 were prepared.
After making the necessary corrections, satellite data processing was performed to get the right images. According to the final goal, the factors affecting the potential of groundwater such as rock units, linements, drainage, elevation, topography slope and direction of slope of the region were investigated.To Integrate the information and the resulting laxyers, we used the Arc GIS. For this work, digital maps of the effective factors were scored on the basis of different weights, and a compilation of information laxyer was made in the software environment. Then, to determine the most suitable areas, we used Index overlay methods, fuzzy method using Sum, Product, and, or, gamma and Analystic Hierarchy Process.
baxsed on the results of the integration, suitable areas were identified using simple Classification and fractal Geometry, then a final map of the groundwater potential in the study area was producted, after that Using the Boolean logic and AND operator, the final groundwater potential was identified. Finally, the data of wells in the area were used to validate the results. Accordingly, more than 90% of wells are located in proposed locations.So, it can be said that the use of satellite data and determining the correct selection of required information laxyers and the integration of information in GIS is a suitable method for identifying groundwater promising areas.
#Groundwater #Remote Sensing #Geographic Information System #Index Overlay #Fuzzy #Analystic Hierarchy Process. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University