TN874 : Petrophysical Evalution and Zoning of Reservoir baxsed on Petrophysical and cores Data in One of Iranian Carbonate Reservoirs
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2019
Abstarct: Reservoir petro physical evaluation by using well logging interpretation and coring is employed to determine the best quality of reservoir and choice the best production zone. It is important to determine the shale volume, lithology, total and effective porosity and water saturation to estimate the best quality of reservoir in field and reservoir modeling. Copal filed is one of the important Iranian oil filed in Defuel embayment. The Illam and Sarvak are the two oil formations in this field. The present study focused on the reservoir evaluation and choice the best zonation using combination of core data and well logging interpretation by Geolog in cases of deterministic and probabilistic analysis. The summary of the main results from the present study are presented in below:
The analysis of two thin sections from core showed that rock is Wake stone and have some Calcite. More than, the fossils of these thin sections are Foraminifer, Miliolid, Strakood, Gastroper, Foraminifer Frangton. Also, the results of cross-plot analysis using Neutron- Density and Sonic- Density showed that formation have limestone, sand stone and dolomite but, the limestone was more than other. More than, the frequency of water saturation was in interval between 0 to 100 percent and 35 percent was the most frequency. On the other hand, the porosity has distribution between 0 to 12 percent. That shows this rock have low porosity. More than, the effective porosity was estimated using Neutron and Density log. This results were compared with core lab data. The results show the estimated effective porosity from logging have strong relation with core data. Finally, the petro physical model of well was estimated in depth of 4357.12m to 4469.58m. The results show this formation have large volume of water and three zones of oil. But, baxsed on lithology have two sandstone zones and two limestone zones. In summary, the logging interpretation and coring data analysis showed this formation have limestone with low volume of sandstone, large volume of water, low porosity and low oil volume. This shows this oil formation have good to fair quality of reservoir.
#Petro physical Evaluation #Geolog #Well logging #Cores. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University