TN842 : Mineral potential mapping of Mn deposits using GIS and Remote sensing method in Rashm 1:100000 sheet
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2018
Abstarct: The studied area is part of the geological sheets of Klateh-Rashm. It is located in the southeast of Damghan and in Semnan province. The purpose of this research is to determine the areas susceptible to manganese by combining different laxyers of information in the GIS environment. Geological, satellite and geochmical data were used for this purpose. the remote sensing section, the ASTER and ETM + satellite image processing techniques include false color combinations, band ratio, least squares regression, main component analysis of argillic, filice, propylitic, carbonate, sillic and iron oxide interactions that can be directly or indirectly Detected and indirectly lixnked to mineralization, and rock units were also segregated. The lines were also detected using various filters. To integrate the information and the resulting laxyers, we used the GIS environment. For this work, digital maps of the effective factors were lixnked and scored on the basis of different weights, and a compilation of information laxyer was made in the software environment. Then, to determine the best and most suitable areas, we used Index overlay methods, fuzzy method using Sum, Product, and, or, gamma.
baxsed on the results of the integration of existing information laxyers, suitable areas were identified using simple Classification and fractal Geometry, then a final map of the Mn potential in the study area was producted, after that Using the Fuzzy operator, the final Mn potential was identified. Finally, the mineralizations of study the area were used to validate the results. Accordingly, more than 90% of indexes are located in proposed locations.So, it can be said that the use of satellite data and determining the correct selection of required information laxyers and the integration of information in GIS is a suitable method for identifying Mn potiontal areas.
#Manganese #Remote Sensing #Geographic Information System #Integration #Index Overlay #Fuzzy Process #Potential Map Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University