TN811 : Exploration of mextal reserves in the Sankhast area on a local scale using geochemical and remote sensing methods
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2018
Abstarct: The processing and integration of exploratory data is important in determining the promising areas of mineralization and is effective in selecting drilling points. For this purpose, the Geographic Information System (GIS), as a tool for quantitative and qualitative analysis of data, storage and integration of exploratory data, can be used. The purpose of this research is to determine the promising areas of copper and iron mineralization by combining exploratory information in the studied area in the map of 1: 100,000 sentences.The rock units of this range include limestone, shale, silta-ston, sandstone, basalt and basalt andesite. In this research, after exploration and processing of remote sensing data, geology, structural and geochemistry of the study area, suitable exploratory maps were selected for exploration of copper and iron deposits in this area.
The processing of satellite images in the ENVI 5.3 software environment was carried out using bonding methods and principal components analysis. The results of satellite images processing with these methods led to the discovery of propylitic, ironical, and iron oxide alterations in the study area.
In order to distinguish and reveal geochemical anomalies, factor analysis method baxsed on PCA was used.To interpret the geochemical data, SPSS16 software was used.
Due to the lack of evidence and exploratory index in the study area, the index overlap method, which is one of the knowledge-baxsed methods, was used. In order to combine the exploratory laxyers, these maps were evaluated by expert opinion and baxsed on the association with copper and iron mineralization and finally, these laxyers were combined using the overlapping index method.The results of the integration of the information laxyers led to the creation of a desirable potential map and the location of the drilling points. These points are located in the basalt igneous rocks and basalt andesite and the propylitic alteration includes these points. Also, according to the results of the analysis of samples, the iron and copper elements around these points are very high concentrations.
#Remote sensing #Geochemical anomalies #GIS; Index overlap #Iron and Copper deposits #Sankhast Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University