TN77 : Design of Optimum Pit Limits and Production Scheduling of Anomaly No. A, Sangan Iron Ore Deposit
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2008
Abstarct: Sangan iron ore deposit contains more than a quarter of all geological iron reservoirs in Iran. The aim of the current study is to determine ultimate pit limits and production scheduling for the anomaly A of Sangan iron ore deposit with use of 3D methods.
For this purpose, 3D floating cone and Learchs-Grossman graph theory are used to determine ultimate pit limits. It should be mentioned the Learchs-Grossman algorithm can be proved that is the only method which is able to determine true optimum pit limits. Results of modeling and execution of 3D floating cone and Learchs-Grossman graph theory lead to pit values equal to 872M$ and 888M$ respectively. These results indicate that 3D floating cone method has encountered with 14M$ or 1.62% variation in comparison with graph theory method. Therefore production scheduling is carried out on the optimum pit limits determined by the Learchs-Grossman method. For this purpose combination of the parameterization technique and dynamic programming method is used with regard to appropriate design criteria. The results showed that the restriction with current limitation will be extracted in 36.5 years with net present value of 425M$.
Sensitivity analysis is carried out on both final pit limit and production scheduling with consideration of profit and NPV as random variables. The result of sensitivity analysis showed that the selling price is the most sensitive. Forty percent depreciation in unit selling price will make the project uneconomic.
#Sangan iron ore deposit #ultimate pit limit #floating cone #dynamic programming #Learchs-grossman graph theory #production schedule #parameterization technique #sensitivity analysis Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University