TN735 : Application of remote sensing for identifying promising mineral areas of mextal resources in the south east of Qom salt lake
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: One of the most important step of mineral exploration is the primary exploration. At this Step, the expert is faced with a large volume of data with different nature, such as geological, geochemical, geophysical and remote sensing. In traditional ways, each of these collections was analyzed separately. Nowaday, Exploratory exploration is done by using compose All laxyers of information alltogether. Obviously, the results obtained from all the data and the relationship between them are more accurate.
Study area is located at south east of Salt Lake Qom in 1/100000 Geological Sheets Of Kuhe yakhab, Kuhe Dom, Sorkhshad, Kuhe Latif and Sardar. The purpose of this study is to determine the suitable area for mextallic mineralization by combining different laxyers of information in the GIS. For this purpose were used geological, satellite and geophysical data.
In the remote sensing section, satellite images ASTER and ETM + were processed with false color combination, band ratio, least squares regression, principal component analysis and spectral angle mapping and alteration of Argillic, phyllic, propylitic and iron oxide were identified and the unit rocks was Separated. Rocks units were segregated too.
The results shows that most of alterations have occurred in units of Eocene igneous that location of the areas marked for alteration argillic is consistent with the location of the areas on the geological map for this alteration. The Linear were detected using various filters.
The NW – SE trend was dominant for the faults or regions. In the geophysics section, the airborne magnetometer data of the area were used. In maps derived from the application of various factors, such as reduce to pole, vertical derivative and angle of inclination, were identified the location of intrusive bodies in the region.
Finally, Information laxyers includes the alteration laxyer, the units rock laxyer and the laxyer of linear, were composed together in Arc GIS software then map promising area was prepared. Then exploratory priority areas were determined in exploration area for exploration activity. In order to evaluate the precision of the map, the location of known deposits in the region was investigated. Kuhe Dom deposit is one of the regions that has been introduced as promising areas. It can confirm the accuracy of the results. Also, the mextallogenic report of the study area confirms the presence of anomalies mextal elements such as copper, gold, lead and zinc in the presented sections.
#Geology #Remote Sensing #Air magnetism #Integration #Promising areas #South East Qom Salt Lake Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University