TN730 : Single shell lining layout of the tunnel in case of Bakhtiari dum
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: Today, in the industry, the necessity of using new agents and elements has become imperative and inevitable, and tunneling knowledge has not been the exception. In this project we have tried to get to know some of this technology. The most suitable results and advantages of the concrete concrete method compared to reinforced concrete reinforcement can be the non-corrosion of mextals in concrete and the increase of concrete strength up to 1.3 times the ordinary concrete Also, the shortening of the executive operations of the building and the reduction of the administrative costs of the relevant plan and overhead costs over a shorter time period and eliminating items such as slider molds and sealing strips in ditches and underground structures. In our country, for the first time in 2004, a total length of 1,300 meters in Mashhad, Bafgh, and Tohtollah Khamari, was made by Shakirit. In the meanwhile, it was tried to replace the macrocracker with macroscopic material instead of macroscopic material and to remove the shaker machine due to lack of availability and high price. This thesis examines the methods for calculating and evaluating the capacity of concrete concrete and comparing it with the concrete load bearing capacity of the reinforcement. Also, the economic technical analysis of two modes in the Bakhtiari Dam access road has been done. This comparison is a technical justification for the use of fiber concrete in concrete coatings of underground structures instead of reinforced concrete with steel bars. The comparison of capacities in this research is baxsed on flexural and shear capacities, which are the most critical components in the design of these sections. In the case of interacting with the pressure, due to the proper functioning of the concrete, the role of the weapon is less and the critical situation will not be. However, in the full design of the section, all interactions must be taken into account, but in comparison with the situation, it will be the most critical condition. The first part of this research is related to the introduction of the design of the second part of the second chapter of the mechanism of drilling and maintenance in the tunnel. The third part of the proposed system designed by the 3D panel. Part IV of the design method of validated results of evaluation of the strength of concrete fiber computing and design methods of the case, The access to the Bakhtiari dam and the fifth section is to sum up and conclude. Underground buildings such as tunnels, gates, shafts, urban underground structures, defense gates and after-drilling operations should be properly protected and kept in place to witness the least tensions and inclinations. This operation consists of two temporary storage units and one that has been tried at this end to be discussed more often in the ongoing maintenance phase.
#Line #single-shell #tunnel #3 d-panels Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University