TN728 : Feasibility recognition of boundary salt dome using intraction of seismic attributes in GIS And comparing its results with SVM.
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Nowadays, salt domes are of different uses, e.g. hydrocarbon storage, exploration of hydrocarbon resources, nuclear wastes isolation, dissolution mining, forming space for underground constructions, and forming compressed air chamber, to name but a few. Therefore, identifying salt domes as underground constructions seems to be important. With respect to the fact that characteristics of salt domes are different from their sediments, and keeping in mind the high rate of wave propagation in salt in relation to the sediments of dome surroundings, a proper border is made for seismic wave reflection. Among the geophysical methods, reflection seismography is one of the best methods which is able to identify salt domes. Due to the high damping rate of seismic energy in salt and the difference in high rate of wave propagation in salt in relation to the sediments of dome surrounding, realizing the exact borders of salt domes makes the direct identification of salt domes and their borders baxsed on the reflection seismography difficult. As a tool for deriving seismic material characteristics, seismic attributes can be highly helpful in explaining and identifying salt domes and their borders. An important category of seismic attributes used in identification of salt domes are those textural attributes which are baxsed on Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix. Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix is a valid tool for image processing which extracts textural features of an image. Noting the textural difference between a salt dome and its surrounding constructions, the attribute can distinguish the salt dome from the other constructions. Moreover, noting that every attribute contains special data, the combination and integration of attributes can act as a suitable tool to provide comprehensive data for an analyst of the field. Multimarker compound technology can be applied with different purposes in seismology. The aim of the present study was to integrate seismic attributes using GIS-baxsed methods in order to identify the borders of salt domes. In so doing, a number of highly useful textural seismic attributes were applied for seismic data in order to identify the boundary of salt domes and the results of each attributes was investigated separately. In the next step of the study, after making weighted seismic attributes, the laxyers were integrated using expected value method, fuzzy operators, and geometric mean, finally constituting a unique model containing data from all separated attributes, and resulted in identifying the exact boundary of salt dome with greater precision. The results of the real data indicated that applying
the fuzzy weighting method and the integration of attributes using GIS-baxsed data could thoroughly identify the lateral boundaries of salt domes.
#Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix #textual marker #salt dome #GIS #fuzzy weighting #logistic functions Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University