TN698 : Modeling and interpretation of Induced Polarization and Resistivity data for exploration of gold ore deposits in Zarshuran gold mine area
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Remote sensing compared to other exploration methods due to low cost and high efficiency, it can play an important role in determining initial exploration targets and providing preliminary and initial findings for deposits. Geophysical methods are amang those prospecting and exploration methods for mineral deposits that possess high efficiency. These methods, if chosen properly, will provide valuable information of mineralization in surface or depth. In the present study, in order to identify alterations in the Zarshuran gold mine in north of Takab, using remote sensing techniques, visual interpretation and various spectral analysis were performed on ASTER sensor data. Finally, in order to identify the hidden parts of the mineralization after examining the results of remote sensing as well as the available geological evidences, field data surveys using resistivity and induced polarization (IP) methods were carried out in a rectangular grid with dimensions of 1650 × 750 m and pole-dipole array along 17 parallel survey lines, in the direction of northeast-southwest and distancing 100 meters from each other.
In doing remote sensing studies, first, to investigate alterations by creating false color combinations using combining different bands the alteration areas were approximately determined, by determining the optimum index factor (OIF), and the method of band ratio, and with the help of visual interpretation of the images. Then, in order to interpret and extract alteration zones and rock units with high accuracy in the study area, the principal component analysis (PCA), linear prediction method using least squares fit (LS-Fit), spectral angle mapping (SAM) and maximum likelihood classification (MLC) methods were used. In each of the aforementioned methods, images were obtained that provide information about the alteration regions and rock units of the study area. Moreover, field data acquusition using resistivity and IP method was carried out and then, using Res2dinv and ZondRes2d software packages and performing initial corrections and least squares inversion, modeling was made, and the results were presented in two-dimensional (2D) sections. In the next step, the results of modeling and interpreting the geophysical sections were compared and validated using the information obtained from the trenches and drilled boreholes. Furthermore in order to reduce the risk of subsequent studies and more precise determination of the mineralization areas, three-dimensional (3D) data inversion modeling was carried out using Res3dinv software.
In general, considering field surveys, and also, comparing the results of trenches and drilling of several boreholes and the ranges of resistivity and chargeability values in the sections, it can be said that the high chargeability levels coincide with mineralization zones known by drilling and geophysical studies made by IP and resistivity in the area could separate the existing geological units, and provide useful information from the depth. In general, the mineralization zone extends to the middle parts of the area and continues until the last survey line. As a result, areas with high chargeability in the limestone units are suitable for more detailed studies. baxsed on all the information and results of the remote sensing and 2D and 3D modeling of resistivity and IP data, promising areas for drilling exploratory boreholes were identified and introduced.
#Remote sensing #Resistivity #Induced Polarization (IP) #two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) inverse modeling #Zarshuran gold #Takab Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University