TN696 : Extraction design and production planing marl mines of Shahrood cement Factory
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2017
Abstarct: Shahrood Cement Factory knows two mines named pahn dare and Mohammad Abad as his marl reservoirs. So far all extracted marl was from pahn dare mine and the factory intend to enter Mohammad Abad mine in its production cycle. Since the marl extraction in pahn dare has not been methodically yet, the factory plans to zone two mines with a proper program and enter them into the production circle. So we must use a plan for marl's mines of this set to satisfy limitations of the project. To this purpose, first the required exploration information were collected and then according to the marl depot volume of the silo in this factory and necessity of being same volume blocks in these mines, blocks with sizes 15.2 * 15.2* 10 for pahn dare mine and 21.5 * 21.5 * 5 for Mohammad Abad mine were considered. Since the entry of kilns to cook cements is very importance due to energy consumption, CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and in some references MgO which are extracted from marl mines according to the determined formulas are converted to three factors of lime, silica and Alvin. baxsed on this a plan was provided, first two mines were zoned and then since the distance of mines from the factory was the same and there is also limitations for three discussed factors (they must be in a certain period), each zone was individually examined and according to the conducted analysis it was found that it is better to extract first zone of Mohammad Abad zone and first zone of broad valley mine at the same time. This is due to high lime factor in broad valley mine and low lime factor in the other mine. This program first mixed two blocks and consider its three parameters whether it satisfies limitations otherwise and in case of failure to find pair blocks, it considers all three blocks simultaneously. According to the results of this study, the mining extraction scheme of this mine was determined for next 45.6 years. baxsed on the obtained results only marl mines of this set can satisfy Shahrood Cement Factory in terms of saturation factor of lime, silica module and Alvin module without mining limestone and iron.
#cement #variography #grade estimation #geostatic #kriging #production planning Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University