TN691 : Processing and 3D inversion of airborne magnetic data using Li-Oldenburg nonlinear algorithm
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: The undeniable advantages of airborne geophysical survey has turned this approach out to be a quick and efficient way. The oldest branch in geophysics science is the magnetic method which is nowadays known for its capability in identifying the buried structures and reaching the subsurface sources. In order to identify the subsurface structures such as shape, depth, expansion and other characteristics of the source more precisely, the two and three dimensional modeling is used. It is obvious that processing the data before modeling is inevitable.
Due to the immense volume of data acquired in airborne geophysical surveys and their relation to potential areas, interpretation and processing of these data is of utmost importance. The aim of this thesis is processing, inverse modeling and interpretation of the data and also to investigate the relationship between existing anomalies on the magnetic field maps with mineral mass. The airborne magnetic data used in this study are extracted from an environment located in the west side of Moaleman in Semnan prominent, Iran.
The data process is done in five stages will be mentioned in the following: 1_Diurnal correction, 2_ Lag correction, 3_ Heading correction, 4_IGRF and 5_levelling. In order to validate the modeling and also the interpretation of magnetic field intensity maps, Reduce to the pole, Up-ward continuation, vertical derivative and analytic signal filter is applied on the data. After processing, the three dimensional inversing of data with Li-Oldenburg algorithm is applied. In order to take optimized use of this algorithm, at first it was tested on artificial models were contaminated with noise, then the modeling was done using the actual airborne magnetic data. The final obtained model is acceptably adaptive to the maps extracted from filters.
#magnetic #airborne data processing #3D inversion #Li-Oldenburg #Moaleman Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University