TN649 : Identify the features of geological laxyers using geoelectrics data and compairing results with drilling data- case study mashhad plain
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2016
Abstarct: Exploration methods are divided into two categories of direct and indirect methods. Direcrt methods, such as exploration drilling, are costly, time-consuming and highly accurate, but indirect methods, like geophysical methods, require less cost and time although interpretation of their results is difficult. In this study, using Schlumberger resistivity sonding data geological structures, water-bearing formation and possible faults, are identified. and the results are confirmed with the help drilling and piezometric wells data that are available in the area. For this purpose, data from 284 geoelectrical sounding points located on 19 survey lines in Mashhad plain have been interpreted by master curves, and then, one-dimensional (1-D) modeling of the data has been made using IX1D software. Moreover, the interpretation result of the two graphical and mathematical methods for correction of the Schlumberger sounding curve, 1-D modeling of the data has been made using IPI2Win software, and then, the results obtained from the two methods have been compared with geological and wells data in the area, and thus, the higher speed of mathematical correction method and higher accuracy and precision of the graphical correction method have been verified.
Furthermore, two-dimentional (2-D) modiling of the geoelectrical data from every survey line has been carrid out using Res2dinv software. The 2-D modeling tesults have been compared with 1-D modiling results, information from adjacent wells and geological data in the area. The interpretation results indicate that the depth of water table and also water quality (with respect to its total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC) and clay content) considering variation of the resistivity of water-bearing formations are varied in the study area. In northern parts of the area, water table is located at a low depth so that it is as low as 5 meters in some parts. Towards the southern parts of the area, the depth of water table increases and reaches to a maximum of 130 meters. Water quality is low in most of northern parts of the area is low and the water possesses remarkable clay content and salinity. In the southern parts of area, considering higher resistivity values of the water bearing formations, the water quality improves comparatively. The bedrock in northern parts of area is mainly formed of shale type and is located at a low deph. However, the bedrock in southern parts of the area includes coarse-grain sediments located at a relatively high depth. Furthermore, the resistivity results indicate a possible local fault detected in the south west of the study area that requires further study.
#Modeling #Resistivity sonding #Correction of Schlumberger sonding curve #Mashhad plain Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University