TN540 : Presentation of an Engineering Classification System for Evaluating the Risk of Fire in Underground Coal Mines (Case Study: Eastern Alborz Coal Mine)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2015
Abstarct: Fire is one of the dangerous events in the coal mines. The fire caused extensive damage and loss of life. In this research, according to a review of all the latest, known and credible studies about mine fire from around the world and identification of many important and effective parameters, and selected 11 parameters which were applicable to the evaluation. After identification the effective parameters on mine fire, for using the FDAHP method and determination weight of each parameter, a technical questionnaires prepared and sent to experts. Then, for providing a quantitative classification system, baxsed on the effective parameters of mine fire capability, the qualitative experts' response by FDAHP method were analyzed and the weight of each parameter was obtained. In the other method using RES approach, the weight of each parameter was calculated; that comparison of 2 methods illustrared relatively good concordance. With access to the weight of each parameter, a new quantitative classification system was proposed which ‘‘Mine Fire Potential Index (MFPI) ’’ has been named. In the MFPI system, a number from 0 to 100 can be assigned, with higher values corresponding to greater ease of mine fire capability. baxsed on the MFPI classification, fire-prone areas are classified into three modes from the view point of mine fire capability: low, medium, high. So, a comprehensive and perfect evalution of the fire-prone areas in the study area were presented. Finally, by using the event of mine fire occurred in the region, an initial validation for the application systematic approach in the study area was conducted. That were comparison demonstrated relatively good concordance.
#Fire #coal mines #quantitative classification system #Fuzzy Delphi Analytic Hierarchy Process (FDAHP) #rock engineering system method (RES) #Mine Fire Potential Index (MFPI) Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University