TN434 : Using geophysical, drilling and underground geological data to create a model for Tash & Mojen Zn-Pb deposit
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: One of the main objectives of the regional exploration is to produce a model of the deposit, which can be used for reserve estimation of the deposit. It is only after this step that we can judge on the possibility of the economic exploitation of the deposit. Since the reserve estimation is carried out baxsed on limited information, thus it is often associated with error. In fact, the exact reserve estimation of is obtained when all the mineral deposit is exploited. The reserve of a deposit is usually calculated in various stages of exploration, and it is obvious that the calculated reserve varies in different stages of exploration and its accuracy increases as the exploration stage progresses. The main goal of this research is the use of geophysical data (comprising induced polarization and resistivity data) to determine the model and estimate the Pichamtu lead and zinc deposit and the research innovation lies on this point. This goal is achieved using the limited drilling information from the area in the Rockworks software, in which the reserve estimation of the deposit has been made baxsed on the interpolation methods. From statistical examination of the deposit data, it is concluded that there is no linear relationship between the elements in this deposit. Furthermore, the geological and geochemical investigation of the mineralization in the study area has shown that the amount of lead enriched in sandstone is lower, but it is higher in limestone. However, zinc enriched in the both rock units is approximately the same. This fact can be due to higher mobility of zinc in comparison with lead. Despite this, the deposition of lead, due to its lower mobility, occurs sooner
#Three-dimensional (3-D) Modeling #Reserve estimation #Lead and zinc deposit Pi-Chamtu #Rockworks Software #Enrichment #Induced Polarization #Resistivity. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University