TN422 : Preferential upward continuation estimating optimum it’s height for gravity anomaly separation from CheshmeSir chromite deposit-Sabzevar
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2013
Seydiman Shahbazi [Author], HAMID AGHAJANI[Supervisor]
Abstarct: In the exploring surveys, the local anomalies were rarely observed in maps due to short range. Also they are depended on regional anomaly. These local anomalies should be eliminated for better resolution. This is one of main subjects for computing and interpreting of data of potential field. One of methods for discrimination of anomalies is upward continution method that is used in this work. The heart of this method is the estimation of optimum height that can be conserved regional scheme while can be eliminated local scheme. For this purpose, the diagram of range of upward continuation amplitude versus frequency in different height was obtained and finally one optimized height was estimated. Other method used in this work, is newly preferential upward continuation method that is baxsed on winer filter using the parameters of power spectrume of data. The radial frequencies affected on data and results ompared with those of conventional upward continuation. In this work algorithm of upward continuation using Matlab software was coded and exerted on gravity data. In order to investigate of mentioned methods and understanding the Weaknesses and strengthens points of them, one synthetic model that sums local ( large size and deep mass ) and remaining( small size and shallow mass) anomalies was desined in Matlab software and its anomalies of gravity was computed. Finally, the mentioned methods were applied on the gravity data of cheshmehsir Sabzevar mineral spring obtained by some of students of Shahrood industrial university. The mentioned separated methods were exerted on the total Buger anomaly maps of Sabzevar data and the interpretation leads to several deposits of under surface Chromite. First, an optimal height to keep going beyond the conventional and prefrential continuation the 48 and 21 m was estimated using them in this way on data imposed. By comparing these procedures and the quality of their separation body surface anomaly map of residual anomalies resulting from the prefrential upward continuation.
#Gravity method #chromite #Separation #preferential upward #optimized height Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University