TN421 : A GIS baxse Model for Mineral Potential Mapping of Chromite deposit in Minab (SE Iran)
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Research area located in geology map of Minab by 1:100000 scale, which this area located in mextallurgy belt of chromite at east southern of Iran. Rock units of Ophiolite mélange in this belt were having Chromite deposits, which reasonable amount of Chromite mining annually. The purpose of this study was generating of mineral Potential mapping of Chromite. The first step in mapping potential is identification of essential data, which required for integration. Here for integration in GIS, we used four data laxyers including geology, geophysics, remote sensing and tectonic. In geology aspect, chromite deposits was associating with ultramaphic rocks, therefore map of Minab by 1:100000 scale digitized and the ultramaphic units separated. In remote sensing, potential chromite area detected by data of ASTER and LANDSAT7 satellites. For separation of these areas, we used Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Band Ratios techniques. The chromite deposits associate with rock units which have magnetic property, for this reason airborne magnetic data analyzed and in some places with high magnetic digitized and was used as one of the data laxyers. In each of described methods, the faults of research area determined and considered as fourth data laxyer. In finally, the data laxyers integrated by Boolean Logic, Index Overlay Logic and Fuzzy Logic methods, then mineral potential mapping of chromite presented. In these maps for detection of accuracy, we used location of mine chromite. Among the methods used, Methods baxsed on multiple-class maps offered Better evaluation the area, because, Fuzzy Logic map Corresponded to chromite mines in the area. In front, Boolean Logic map and Binary Index Overlay map are not covered location of active mines chromite zone. Multy Class Index Overlay method covered of mines chromite zone, but some of these mines are located in regions with moderate potential in map obtained by this method. In the finaly, areas were identified the following table for explorations.
#Chromite #Minab #Mineral Potential Mapping #Fuzzy Logic #Index Overlay Logic #Boolean Logic Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University