TN419 : Interpretation from Bouguer Gravity and Magnetic data over 23th anomaly of Saghand area by means of image processing techniques.
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Using geophysical methods and measurement of physical properties of subsurface rocks are suitable solution for exploration of underground reserves (oil, gas, water, minerals …)
Gravity and magnetic survey (potential field methods) are applicable geophysical methods for primary exploration, because of simplicity and low cost. There are several methods for automatic interpretation of potential field data.
Potential field data filtration is a numerical processing method that has an important role in geomagnetic and gravitational data interpretation. In this research-work the efficiency of conventional geophysical filters, including: trend surface, field transformation, derivative filtration and local phase filters for gravitational and geomagnetic image processing in Anomaly- 23 Saghand iron ore, have been studied. In this regard, some Matlab-codes have been designed for preforming first and second order Laplacian, Sobel, Prewitt and Canny filtration on the Geophysical data. Our investigations delineate that second order Laplacian, Sobel and Canny filters are more efficiency than other used up filters in this research-work for enhancement of gravitational and geomagnetic anomalies. Also first and second order Laplacian, directional Sobel, 2-D Sobel and Canny filteration operators have well done delineation of lineaments on the geomagnetic data. Finally, among the entire image processing filters, canny operator and local phase filters have suitable efficiency in determination of anomaly boundaries and recognition of lineaments and mineralization strick delineation in vein deposits, respectively. As a result of the interpretation and integration of the results, favorite zones in the study area have been recognized, and baxsed on that, suitable locations for drilling to access and extract iron ore have been introduced
#Gravimetry #Magnetometry #Saghand iron ore #Geophysical filters #Image processing filter operators. Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University