TN386 : Determination of exploration model of the deposit and surrounding laxyers using the integration of geological, remote sensing, geophysical and drilling results in one of Jajarm bauxite deposits
Thesis > Central Library of Shahrood University > Mining, Petroleum & Geophysics Engineering > MSc > 2013
Abstarct: Integration of various exploration data (geology, remote sensing, geophysics, geochemistry, drilling and so on) in accurate recognition of mineral deposits is an important matter. The aim of this research is the processing and interpretation of geological, remote sensing, geophysical and exploration drilling data in Jajarm bauxite mining area, and then, the integration of the results of these exploration data in geographic information system (GIS) for mineral potential mapping of the area.
The processing and interpretation of remote sensing, geophysical and drilling data in the study area were separately carried out, and as such, separate results, in which particular zones suggested as anomalous zones, were obtained from each set of the data. In the carried out remote sensing studies, band ratio method for recognition of dolomite and silica rocks in the area was used. The obtained results from the remote sensing studies had suitable agreement with the geological map and the field studies of the area. The geophysical data in the study area comprised of 82 electrical soundings on 3 lines with 25 m spacing between successive sounding points and 10 m spacing between successive lines. After making one-dimensional modeling of sounding data, a three-dimensional model from one-dimensional modeling results was provided using Rock Work software. The results of interpretation of geo-electrical data along line 1, acquired in the vicinity of exploration boreholes, had suitable and acceptable agreement with the exploration boreholes data.
Finally, information laxyers, obtained from the processing and interpretation results of exploration data sets, were integrated using fuzzy logic method (gamma operator) in GIS. The obtained mineral potential maps of the area suggested the zones having higher fuzzy values as exploration promising mineralization zones in the study area. These suggested exploration zones indicated suitable agreement with known mineral indices and detailed exploration activities in the area. Mineral potential maps indicate important criteria for continuation of exploration and reduction of exploration time and cost in the study area. The taken ground samplings in the study area well confirm the results obtained from integration of exploration data, or mineral potential model, of the area. The obtained mineral potential maps as a result of the integration of the exploration data using the fuzzy gamma method indicated fairly good agreement with exploration drilling data in the study area.
#Bauxite #Remote sensing #Geophysics #Modeling #Fuzzy logic #Gamma operator Link
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University
Keeping place: Central Library of Shahrood University